
Friday, January 10, 2014

One Year since our lives changed

I wrote the following a while ago and decided to put it here for safe keeping:

Dear Avery,
It's midnight on Christmas Day, and you are asleep next to me after a very full holiday!
My heart is full and tender at the new eyes I see everything with through you. Christmas was so much deeper and joyful because of you this year.
But this is actually the second Christmas that you have made special to me.
Last year, on the day after Christmas, we found out about you. We cried and laughed and hugged and dreamed. And waited. We waited and waited! And in perfect time , you came. None of our dreams even compare to the wonderful reality of having you in our lives and hearts.

You are only four months old (today in fact!) and Christmas probably just seemed like too much noise and activity, I know we wore you out, but there were priceless moments in the bustle of the day. First of all on the 23rd you laughed...I mean laughed! You laughed at your daddy eating chips. And to us, you might as well have won the Olympics, I've never been so thrilled in my life at that sweet sound. That glorious joy bubbled up in you and spilled out in music to my ears.

You didn't understand the presents, your favorite gift was the pink polka dotted tissue paper, but to see the love that others have for you represented by those gifts was sweet.

Avery, my child, you have deepened my soul and  widened my heart. May you always know you are loved beyond measure. May you always see newness and hope in the world. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am humbled to be watching you grow. It is sacred. I watched and felt you grow from the imperceptible. I will always watch in awe as you grow your whole life.

This Christmas was beyond wonderful for me, my heart couldn't be fuller. I love you Avery, my daughter. You changed me forever one year ago, and today.

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